Green Cartoon Series
Remember the cartoon series Captain Planet and the Planeteers? It is an old cartoon series from the 1990s that featured the damaging activities carried out by humans to the Earth and how to rectify it as the main theme. In this cartoon series, 5 people from around the world with their special rings that contained the basic elemental powers like "Water, Earth, Fire, Wind" (natural powers) and "Heart" that only we humans can have.
Together once these powers combine, Captain Planet will appear to help the Earth - which is similar to us putting our efforts (both great and small) together to save the Earth. So hopefully for those who have not watched it before, please take a look at the videoes... and for those who are aware of this... this might be a ride down memory lane... at least it was for me!
Captain Planet Opening Theme
To end off, if you still require any other information about green energy that Green Energy Helps to be lacking in, hopefully you can find the answers in my Ezine articles and new Youtube Channel. Do come back periodically to Green Energy Helps especially if you require any latest information on green energy and green products.
Remember "The Power Is Yours!"